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Important Reggae date's
1494 - Columbus ondekt Jamaica
1509 - eerste spaanse gouverneur
1534 - Spanish Town gesticht
1655 - Engelse invasie
1670 - Piraten verklaren Port Royal tot onaantastbaar zeerovershol
1692 - Aardbeving vernietigt Port Royal, Kingston wordt gesticht
1738 - eind aan de 80 jarige Maroon(ontsnapte slaven)opstand
1760 - Slavenopstand
1795 - Tweede Maroon opstand
1807 - einde slaventijdperk Engelse kolonieen
1831 - Slavenopstand
1838 - Einde slaventijd Jamaica
1865 - Morant Bay opstand
1916 - Marcus Garvey's Farewell address to Jamaica
1930 - Haile Selassie 1, gekroont tot keizer van Ethiopia
1935 Italy begint invasie Ethiopia
1938 - Bloedige vakbondsopstand op Jamaicaanse suikerplantage's
1940 Marcus Garvey overlijdt in London
1948 - Rhygin the Bandit wordt neergeschoten
1954 - Pinnacle wordt door de politie gesloten
1958 - 1e Niyabinghi conventie
1959 - Sir Coxsone begint opname studio, begin ska tijdperk
1962 - onafhankelijkheid, Wailers, Jimmy Cliff, Maytals
1963 - "Holy Thursday Massacre" gevecht tussen rasta's en politie(Montego Bay)
1965 - Hoogtepunt "Rude Boys"
1966 - Haile Selassie 1, bezoekt Jamaica , Begin Rock Steady
1968 - Organisatie "12 tribes of Israel" opgericht
1969 - Ethiopian Ortodoxe kerk gesticht in Jamaica
1971 - Film "The harder they come" in produktie
1972 - "Catch a Fire" van de wailers komt uit, begin Reggae
1975 - Haile Selassie 1 overlijdt
1978 - One love Peace Concert in Kingston
1981 - Bob Marley overlijdt aan de gevolgen van kanker
1982 - 2007 volgt nog!!!!!!!!!!
Marcus Mosiah Garvey

born in Jamaica 17 August 1887
died on 10 June 1940
He went to New York City in 1916 and recruited followers for his Universal Negro Improvement Association. His program was to unite all black peoples through the establishment in Africa of a country and government of their own.
He was a magnetic speaker and led his followers in parades through Harlem. In 1921 he got 1 million followers.
His newspaper, Negro World, carried his views to all parts of the United States. He preached economic independence, pride of race, and the need for black Americans to return to Africa.
He started a steamship company
the Black Star Line
to provide a commercial link among all the black peoples of the world. His methods of selling stock in the line, however, led to his conviction (1923) for defraud. After serving nearly 3 years of a 5-year sentence, he was pardoned and deported to Jamaica in 1927.
Although he died in obscurity, He is remembered as a national hero in his Jamaica
alborosie.jpg image by partyat45prm

This Song Is For Jamaica
Bless Alborosie..